12th - 13th Oct 2023

  • Paris,France
  • International Conference on Green Energy and Environmental Technology ( ICGEET )

Welcome to IGRNet

ICGEET - 2023

Presentation Guidelines


You can present your projects in three modalities: in person (either oral or poster presentation) or virtually (non-attending authors).


Each presentation will last 10-15 minutes including 3 minutes for questions and discussion. You will be informed of your session reference and the time of your presentation about 2 weeks before the event. If your personal circumstances restrict you to presenting your paper on a specific date, please send us an email with your request as soon as possible.

Presentation instructions

All the oral presentations should be done in English, the official language of the event.
Each talk is 15 minutes long. We recommend dedicating 12 minutes to the presentation and 3 minutes to open discussion.

The following points should be taken into consideration when preparing your oral presentation:

  • Ensure that you are available at least 30 minutes before the session starts on the day of the conference.
  • The equipment available will be a PC and Data Projector.
  • The recommended software to be used is PowerPoint or Adobe Acrobat (pdf).

Recommendations to make a good oral presentation
  • Its contents should be structured and have the following parts: title, introduction, methods, results, discussion, etc.
  • Presentations should not contain full paragraphs of text. Use a bulleted list or outline format and elaborate on the points in your talk.
  • Every slide should contain a title that summarizes the information presented on the slide.
  • Create a logical flow for your presentation.
  • Used fonts should be in sans serif type (like Arial or Helvetica). This is because, when projected on a screen, letters lose some of their sharpness, and serif type (like Times) can look muddy.
  • Use large fonts, as big as realistically possible. Small fonts are hard to read.
  • Use contrasting colors either a dark background with light text or a light background with dark text.
  • Avoid busy backgrounds that will make the text hard to read. Keep the background simple.
  • Limit your graphics to 1-3 per page. Too many graphics can be distracting.
  • Avoid all CAPITAL LETTERS IN YOUR TEXT. It will look like you’re shouting.
  • Include a good combination of words, pictures, and graphics. Variety keeps the presentation interesting.
  • Slides are designed to supplement your presentation, not to BE your presentation. Keep it simple, and don’t read your presentation word for word from your slides.
  • Fill out a storyboard before you begin to put your presentation together. It will help you stay organized, and things will get done faster.
  • As the total duration of your presentations is 15 minutes, the recommended number of slides for your PowerPoint file is 10/15.

Don’t read from the slide – vary your choice of words.

  • Don’t talk to the screen; maintain eye contact with the audience.
  • Use a laser pointer to indicate salient features of the slide as you speak (there will be one provided in the session room).
  • Speak loudly and articulate.


Maximum poster size is 36 inches wide by 48 inches high (3 ft. x 4 ft.). You must provide your own printout of the poster itself. You are requested to set up your poster in the morning prior to the Opening ceremony and remove it at the end of the session. One of the paper author or co-authors must be present and available for discussion at the poster session. Posters will be on display in the conference room.

Presentation instructions
  • All posters should be written and presented in English, the official language of the event.
  • Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display the results and conclusions of their papers.
  • Your poster will be exhibited during the conference. Authors are expected to be at their poster during the session.
  • Posters will be listed by session in the Conference Programme and Proceedings.
  • We recommend that you provide small envelopes for distributing your business cards and collecting business cards from those who request additional information. This is a good way of inviting and encouraging interaction with your audience. You may also wish to provide copies of a short summary of your presentation for distribution.

Dimensions and format
  • Posters should be printed and brought by each author to the conference.
  • The poster can be up to 36 inches wide by 48 inches high (3 ft. x 4 ft.).
  • We will provide materials for attaching posters. However you can bring your own if you prefer.
  • Your poster should be readable from a distance of 2 metres.


Those whose abstracts are accepted and they cannot attend the conference, are allowed to make a Skype presentation or share a video presentation. Your abstract will be included in the proceedings and your full paper will be considered for publication.

Presentation instructions
  • Virtual presentations will not be simultaneous. Virtual authors will be able to present their papers as follows:
  • In addition to the paper submission, virtual authors submit a PowerPoint presentation (with video and/or audio). These presentations will be played on the conference day, in a related session, and presenters will be connected via Skype. Thus, the audiences will be able to ask their questions to the presenter of the virtual presentation.
Virtual authors could be contacted by email by conference participants in the case of technical questions regarding their virtual paper.